North Yorkshire County Council
North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board
Minutes of the remote meeting held on Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 commencing at 1.00 pm.
Board Members |
Constituent Organisation |
Councillor Michael Harrison (Chair) |
· Executive Member for Health and Adult Services |
Councillor Janet Sanderson |
Executive Member, Children and Families
Christian Turner |
Deputy Director Deputy Director Business Change and Planning, Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
Substitute for Wendy Balmain |
Stuart Carlton |
Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Service |
Jonathan Coulter*
Chief Executive, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust |
Nancy O’Neill, MBE* |
· Chief Operating Officer, Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership – part of West Yorkshire Integrated Care System |
Louise Wallace |
· Director of Public Health, North Yorkshire Council |
Richard Webb |
· Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council |
In attendance: Martin Liebenberg, Care Group Director of Therapies NYPP and Christian Brennan, Assistant Democratic Services Officer
Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book
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Welcome by the Chair
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Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from:-
· Simon Myers, Executive Member, Culture, Arts and Housing · Sally Tyrer, Chair of North Yorkshire Branch, YORLMC (Primary Care Representative) · Jonathan Dyson, Chief Fire Officer Emergency Services · Amanda Bloor, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive · Wendy Balmain, Place Director, North Yorkshire, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership · Zoe Campbell, Managing Director (North Yorkshire, York and Selby) · Nic Harne, Director of Community Development
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Minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2024
Resolved –
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2024 be approved.
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Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
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Public Participation
There were no public questions.
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Updates from Integrated Care Systems
Considered –
Oral updates from the two Integrated Care Systems within North Yorkshire.
Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
Christian Turner presented his update to the Board in three parts.
- The 23/24 period resulted in a balanced budget. - The Humber and North Yorkshire ICP was one of only two partnerships to deliver on its efficiency programme. - The 24/25 planning round had been submitted in May. - The 24/25 period would be financially difficult but he had met with relevant partners. - There would be a focus on efficiencies and value for money; and consideration into increasing productivity with available resources such as implementing digital tools and surveys, and reducing waste.
Transformation of priorities
- They had identified a number of efficiencies across the ICS. - They had introduced Senior Role Officer’s for every service. - Improved representation by bringing in a Lead in Local Authorities.
Place Framework
- The Framework would be delivered through the ICB and follow commitments to excellence, prevention, and sustainability. - The upcoming months would determine how it is embedded in North Yorkshire.
Louise Wallace added that it was important the work be contextualised within population change. She also spoke on the importance of upstream prevention and connection between the HWB and NHS. Jonathan Coulter added that he agreed there were no quick fixes and long term thinking was needed.
Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership
Nancy O’Neill presented her update to the Board.
- The 23/24 period had achieved a balanced budget. - The 24/25 period held challenges whereby half the deficit was within the Bradford area. Further that most of this originated from hospitals, which were also going through the integration of a new electronic patient record. - The Closing the Gap Programme was carrying out targeted interventions and was engaging with North Yorkshire colleagues. - A number of geographically based listening exercises were met with positive engagement and produced responses on the specific needs of an area.
The Chair referred to a recent Council budget meeting where he recounted the cross-party concern for the funding of the hospice sector. He was concerned whether the full reimbursement of commissioned costs of services would not be received and further asked if the costs could be lost in the transformation. Miss O’Neill responded that funding among the 11 hospices was not equitable but that work was being done to address this. Moreover, that changes in charity funding had increased the difficulty in funds. It would be a four year process to rebalance the inequities.
Mr Turner advised that he had raised the issue with the Humber & North Yorkshire Chief Executive Stephen Eames.
The Chair said he would keep them appraised of the Council’s position.
Richard Webb also updated the Board.
- North Yorkshire Council was collaborating with the other local authorities and had met with the Chief Executives on a number of matters including cooperation tackling issues, the location of assets and services, and working with the public. - The Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB now had a surplus across all directorates and public health was balanced. - The Local Plan had stated aims to expand the leisure and sports.
Mr Coulter added that there had been a local AP inspection which would cover areas of improvement. He suggested the HWB would want sight of the report when published.
RESOLVED: - The updates be noted.
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North Yorkshire Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Director of Public Health
Considered –
A report by Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health, which shared the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWBS) for North Yorkshire and sought approval from the Board of the report’s recommendations.
Louise Wallace introduced the report. She explained that it was the final draft which had been pulled together from the contributions of colleagues and partners. The main elements of the strategy were composed of the three P’s, Prevention, Place, People. A consultation with 700 members of the public showed support for the strategy.
She referred to section 3.3 of the report, saying it gave voice to specific groups and the community overall; and section 3.4 which outlined the three highest priorities of the public chosen from a list of 11. Finally, she reminded members of the timetable that the report would take.
Richard Webb thanked Louise Wallace for the report and commented on how it brought together the different styles of the partners. He also noted that it was a good start which could be reflected on further down the line.
The Chair remarked that it was not just a strategy where nothing would happen, but that instead it set out how the participating organisations would work together.
- That the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board approve the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030; - That the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy be submitted to Full Council in July 2024; - That the Board considers an annual action plan at their next meeting.
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Rolling Work Programme 2024/2025
The Chair welcomed suggestions to the Work Programme.
Richard Webb made two suggestions to the board including the addition of the Autism strategy to the Work Programme, and a face to face workshop on the Culture Strategy.
Resolved: - That the Autism Strategy be added to the Work Programme - That a face to face workshop on the Culture Strategy be organised for later in the year
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Any Other Items
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Date of Next Meeting - Friday 19th July 2024 at 10.30 a.m.